Fortnite Sniper-Only Map Codes

Posted by Larita Shotwell on Sunday, September 29, 2024
Source: FN Twitter

Epic Games have recently come up with the Creative mode in Fortnite. This mode allows players to build their own maps with their own challenges and whatnot! This mode is exciting and fun, as players can use their creativity and innovation to create maps.

What are Sniper-only maps?

Sniper-only maps are the best place for players to demonstrate their sniping skills! What can be better than seeing a perfectly landed headshot on your opponent with your sniper rifle? Seeing their loot spawn instantly through your scope, you smile proudly at your skilled aiming.

Here’s a list of best Sniper-only map codes for Fortnite:

Chiller Thriller

Source: Epic Games

Map Code: 1565 – 3685 – 7393

This map is a vast hockey stadium where players skate across the ice, trying to headshot their enemy. Since there is a lot of movement, this map provides a great opportunity to perform trick shots. What can be more satisfying than landing a headshot on your enemy? A trick headshot!

Dustborn Empire

Source: Epic Games

Map Code: 1820 – 8851 – 1629

This map is set in kingdom-like surroundings, with bright colors, the ambiance of this map is beautiful. The layout of the map is quite pleasant. There are several buildings on the map, and players are launched into the air. The objective of this map is to use the Grappler Gun or the Shock Grenades to launch upwards over the kingdom and no-scope your enemy.

Rail Gun Arena

Map Code: 4817 – 2930 – 2879

Rail gun arena is a competitive map where you may add one extra player to play Capture the Flag against. The aim is to eliminate your opponents, seize their flag, and return it to your base while blasting rail guns at each other. The game is simple and has two sides, so there is little exploring, but it necessitates a plan to take out the other player while still defending your flag. This is the ideal map code for individuals who want to play with friends rather than strangers online.

Sniper No Scope Map

Source: In-game Screenshot

Map Code: 4032 – 5744 – 7629

This map is only for players who are highly skilled or confident in their skills. As the name suggests, "No Scope" means you won't be able to use any scope. This map has several boosts like Jump Pads, Speed Boosts, and Boost Pads. You can fly around on this map and mow down people with your sniper. But you have to be skillful at your aiming.

Sniper Vs. Runner

Source: Epic Games

Map Code: 5482 – 0188 – 8603

This map is a massive competitive arena with players divided into two teams. The Runners are the first team, while the Snipers are the second. The Sniper's goal is to shoot the Runners from a safe distance while they navigate challenging obstacle courses while avoiding gunshots. Snipers win if they eliminate the Runners, while Runners win if they reach the finish before time runs out, making this feel like a game show. Each course has a varied theme and unique challenges, requiring new strategies to win each round.


Q. What is the most powerful sniper in Fortnite?

A. The Heavy Sniper Rifle is the most powerful in the game, with its Legendary variant dealing 132 damage. It is also the most potent weapon currently in the game, with the Legendary variant dealing 330 damage on a headshot.

Q. What is the best sniper map in Fortnite?

A. One of the most enjoyable sniper maps in Fortnite is the “Snipers vs. Runners” created by “Frosted.” The code of the map is 4455-5654-3721.
