News: “Tiger Nageswara Rao” heralds the highly anticipated return of Ravi Teja to the silver screen. This marks his inaugural foray into pan-Indian cinema, with the film set in the 1970s and centered on the life of a notorious thief. Joining Ravi Teja in this exciting project are Renu Desai, Nupur Sanon, and Anupam Kher, making it a star-studded affair.
Box Office Performance
While “Tiger Nageswara Rao” generated significant anticipation, it finds itself in a challenging position at the box office due to formidable competition from other high-profile releases like “Leo.” Initial estimates suggest that the movie earned roughly Rs 4 crore on its third day, contributing to a total box office collection of approximately Rs 14.66 crore. The competitive landscape has undoubtedly impacted its performance, making it a closely watched scenario in the film industry.
Interview with Nupur Sanon
In a recent interview, Nupur Sanon shared her excitement about her role in “Tiger Nageswara Rao” and her overall journey in the industry. She discussed her previous projects like “Pop Kaun” and “Filhall,” showcasing her passion for taking on intriguing roles. Nupur also revealed that she has already wrapped up filming for another movie titled “Noorani Chehra,” which was initially slated for release but is now expected to hit the screens in December.
Regarding “Tiger Nageswara Rao,” Nupur expressed her satisfaction, citing the presence of a prominent star, a reputable production company, and a compelling storyline with a character crafted specifically for her. She also lauded the filmmakers for their promotional efforts and the development of a strong screenplay, leaving her enthusiastic about the project’s prospects.
Ravi Teja’s Perspective
Ravi Teja, in an earlier statement, underlined the significance of “Tiger Nageswara Rao” as a pan-Indian film. He stressed the importance of engaging audiences across the nation, transcending geographical boundaries. Ravi Teja firmly believes that the film’s success is contingent on its content rather than its budget or grandeur. He expressed his optimism that “Tiger Nageswara Rao” will strike a chord with viewers all over India and aims for it to achieve widespread popularity.
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In summary, “Tiger Nageswara Rao” has captured considerable attention from the audience, even in the face of stiff competition. The film has secured a respectable box office collection. Both Nupur Sanon and Ravi Teja have conveyed their enthusiasm and belief in the movie’s prospects. Ultimately, the success of “Tiger Nageswara Rao” hinges on its compelling content, with the aim of appealing to audiences across India.
Q: What is the genre of “Tiger Nageswara Rao”?
A: “Tiger Nageswara Rao” is a pan-Indian film set in the 1970s and based on the life of a notorious thief.
Q: How much did “Tiger Nageswara Rao” earn on its third day?
A: “Tiger Nageswara Rao” earned around Rs 4 crore on its third day at the box office.
Q: Who are the lead actors in “Tiger Nageswara Rao”?
A: Ravi Teja, Renu Desai, Nupur Sanon, and Anupam Kher are the lead actors in “Tiger Nageswara Rao”.