Why was Sentinels Valorant pro SicK arrested for a second time in 2023?

Posted by Aldo Pusey on Saturday, August 31, 2024

Professional Valorant player Hunter "SicK" Mims, formerly part of the Sentinels' starting lineup, has found himself under the scrutiny of the legal system once again. This is the second time in two months that the esports athlete has been arrested, seemingly for similar reasons. According to a tweet by journalist George Geddes, SicK's arrest on May 8, 2023, was on the grounds of "criminal trespassing."

He was taken into custody previously on March 4 this year due to a similar offense after refusing to leave a car dealership in Texas.

This incident follows the fact that the Valorant athlete had been behaving somewhat erratically on both his Twitch stream as well as his Twitter posts for the last couple of days preceding his arrest.

What has been going on with Valorant pro SEN SicK?

SicK's apparent spiraling began with an online altercation with the Sentinels organization. It stemmed from him being denied entry into the VCT LOCK//IN venue during the team's match against Fnatic in March 2023. This then escalated into him sharing pictures of broken memorabilia related to his days with the org and, subsequently, his first tryst with the legal authorities.

Following his arrest in March 2023, SicK remained quiet on social media. This was until his reemergence recently when he started sharing about the drugs he was seemingly consuming, among other posts.

Viewers on his stream reported that he was slurring his words. According to them, things he was saying could barely be interpreted. This also led to further speculations among the community of his being under the influence of possibly controlled substances.

There were growing concerns about his behavior, and people over the internet were speculating several reasons as to what could have been going on. One thing that was apparent was that SicK was clearly going through a tough phase.

Other popular figures from the Valorant community have taken to the social networking platform to raise awareness and call for sensitivity about SicK's situation. His former teammate, Shahzeb "ShahZaM" Khan, tweeted on May 7, asking the Valorant community to be sensitive about SicK's situation.

Similar concerns were shared by Geddes, who asked the Reddit community Valorant Competitive to discourage posting clips from SicK's streams and other content related to him.

SicK's family and friends have been trying their best to help out the gifted esports athlete, but things haven't been looking too bright yet. There have been no statements from Sentinels as yet. They had paid for his $5,000 bond the last time he was arrested and even flew Mims' sister down to Dallas so she could be close to him in his hard times.

All things considered, SicK seems to be going through a tough time. One hopes that the community remains sensitive toward his condition instead of speculating about what could possibly be the reasons behind this.

Sen SicK released from jail

According to a recent tweet by SicK, he has officially been released from jail. While the player has yet to state the reasons for his arrest, his tweets confirm that he has returned home and is ready to stream for his audience.

Note: This article will be updated as more information is revealed

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