The One Piece chapter 1091 spoiler cycle is ongoing and has revealed a lot of exciting information about the upcoming chapter. These spoilers have been revealed by reputable X (formerly Twitter) leakers such as Pewpiece and TalkOP, confirming that Luffy's fight against Kizaru will begin in the upcoming chapter.
The spoilers have also unveiled that One Piece chapter 1091 is titled Sentomaru. In the chapter, Sentomaru and his Mark III Pacifistas will fight against Kizaru and are defeated by the Admiral. Additionally, Zoro will fight Ron Lucci in chapter 1091 and stop him from killing Vegapunk.
The nature of Luffy vs Kizaru and Lucci vs Zoro has been revealed in One Piece chapter 1091 spoilers
The spoilers for One Piece chapter 1091 have generated a lot of hype among fans, as they reveal that Luffy and Zoro will face Kizaru and Lucci. Reputable online leakers such as Pewpiece, TalkOP, and Abdullah-San have confirmed that the fight between Luffy and Kizaru will begin in this chapter.
However, Luffy vs Kizaru will only be featured in one panel of chapter 1091. In this panel, Luffy will be shown kicking Kizaru, which the Admiral will block. The spoilers also confirm that Luffy doesn't appear to be in his Gear 5 mode in this panel, suggesting that his battle with Kizaru is just beginning and will likely escalate further.
Next, chapter 1091 will see Lucci trying to kill Dr Vegapunk, which Zoro will prevent and fight the CP0 agent. However, according to the spoilers, Rob Lucci doesn't appear in his awakened form, which suggests that the upcoming chapter will cover their clash briefly. Thus, it is safe to say that Luffy vs Kizaru and Zoro vs Lucci will debut in chapter 1091, but it will not be the main focus.
Instead, the chapter will likely focus on Kizaru fighting Sentomaru and the Mark III Pacifistas. The spoilers have already confirmed Sentomaru's defeat at Kizaru's hands, but fans are still curious to see how the fight pans out and what new details get spilled.
Kizaru and Sentomaru used to be close once, with Sentomaru considering Kizaru a mentor-like figure. Thus, it'll be interesting to see the two fight; however, many fans speculate that Kizaru will go easy on Sentomaru and use minimal force to incapacitate him before fighting Luffy.
The spoilers have also revealed that Franky, Bonney, and Lilith will go out to defend the Thousand Sunny and VegaForce-01 in One Piece chapter 1091. A color spread featuring the Straw Hats eating Pizza is the final spoiler that's been revealed as of now.
These One Piece chapter 1091 spoilers have been meticulously curated by the Twitter account @OP_SPOILERS2023 for fans to enjoy. Overall, they have given a clear picture of the chaos that will unfold. The chapter will be released on Monday, September 4, 2023, at 12 am JST.
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